Mark Timpson's Favorite Videos

Here is a table with links to my favorite Youtube videos, with some information included.

Youtube Video Description Length Image
Time Travel in Fiction Rundown Minute Physics going through the different time travel mechanics in fiction. 8:04
Is Most Published Research Wrong? Veritasium going through the probability and likelihood of most published research being incorrect. 12:21
Moving hoop won't let you miss Inventor youtuber Stuff Made Here creating a 3rd iteration of an unmissable basketball hoop. 13:42
Kobold and George - A Comedy Video my friend made of my bother playing through a virtual reality horror game (with a funny ending). 8:40
Traditional Lemonade Tutorial (5 EASY STEPS) My friend and my brother's attempt to create a lemonade-based comedy channel. 8:19
Lt. Dan Rocks the G-LOC Hilarious video of someone going through g-force training. 1:55
Homemade Hoverbike Inventor youtuber Colin Furze rides a hover bike he created with paramotors. 3:50
DR. QUANTUM - DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT A simple introduction into quantum mechanics. 5:12
The Trolley Problem in Real Life An episode of the Vsauce Mine Field series where real people think they are in control of the trolley problem lever. 34:37